ESCV – ECCI joint workshop on congenital CMV infection
Heraklion, Crete, 26-27 April 2023

Dear ESCV members and colleagues,
The European Society for Clinical Virology and the European Congenital CMV Initiative (ECCI) are co-organising a 2-day Workshop on Congenital CMV Infection, scheduled for 26-27 April 2023, on the island of Crete, in Heraklion, Greece.
The Scientific Committee has prepared an inspiring program for this Workshop, covering all aspects of diagnosis of maternal infection, diagnosis of fetal and neonatal infections, prevention of maternal infection and of vertical transmission, treatment and prognosis of fetal infection in the neonate and beyond as well as antenatal and neonatal screening for cCMV and Ethical Considerations. Experts in the cCMV field will share their latest results and advances in clinical practices, prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. Furthermore, the Workshop is expected to promote collaborative research, discuss available evidence, identify research gaps that should be filled to support evidence-based health policies and prioritize the development of much needed prevention and intervention programs.
The announcement and provisional programme can be found linked below.
Click here to see the FINAL PROGRAMME!
ESCV is offering a maximum of 50 travel grants to include:
- Registration fee
- 2 nights accommodation
- Coffee breaks and light lunches during the workshop
- Excursion and guided tour to Spinalonga Island, including lunch box
- Dinner at the picturesque port of Agios Nikolaos
A special rate applies for the whole package, thus leaving a maximum of 380€ available to each awardee for travel expenses. Costs exceeding this amount must be covered by each awardee.
As an ESCV member, you can apply for one of the above travel grants to cover part or all of your meeting attendance expenses, using the application form and return it by email to
A limited number of places are also offered to ESCV members to attend using their own funding. In this case, a registration fee of €100 will be charged and the excursion to Spinalonga Island, together with the dinner in Agios Nikolaos, are offered as an option at a special rate or €85 per person. To apply, please use the same application form and indicate “own funding”
Please indicate clearly in the form whether you are applying for a travel grant, using your own funding, or wish to be considered for both options (that means that if you do not receive a travel grant, you would still be interested in attending using your own funding).
If you are not a member yet, please visit our website and join the ESCV for an annual fee of €40.
After completing your ESCV membership registration, proceed with the travel grant application form and return it by email to
Completed forms must be returned by Thursday, March 16th, 2023. Successful applicants for a travel grant will be notified by March 23rd, 2023. Please address any queries to the above email.
On behalf of the organizing committee:
George Sourvinos, Local Organizer-ESCV
Pamela Vallely, ESCV-ECCI
Ann Vossen, Marianne Leruez-Ville, Chrissie Jones, ECCI