Membership application

Membership application


How to do

If you wish to become a member of the ESCV, complete the online application Form and submit according to the instructions on the form. Provisional acceptance as a member will be confirmed by E-mail.

The yearly fee of €105, which includes a subscription to the Journal of Clinical Virology (JCV) will be claimed in due course (a subscription to the Journal of Clinical Virology for non-members costs €174, plus VAT).

You can also register as an ESCV member without subscription to JCV. In that case you will be charged a fee of €40.



Reduced registration fees in Annual Congress

Eligibility for the Society’s awards

Possible support for travel expenses

Reduced subscription to the Journal of Clinical Virology

Cancellation policy

The ESCV does not reimburse already membership fees. If you leave the society after paying your fee, it will stay with the society.