

The Heine-Medin Award honors scientific work that promotes our understanding of virus diseases. It was originally conceived in 1983 by the European Society Against Virus Diseases, one of the predecessors of the ESCV. Public institutions, universities, commercial companies, and individuals have contributed to this medal by donations. The medal is named after the German orthopedic surgeon Jacob Von Heine (1800-1879) and the Swedish pediatrician Oscar Medin (1847-1927). Both have made significant contributions to the recognition of poliomyelitis as a disease and have provided guidelines for its management. In the past, poliomyelitis has been referred to as the Heine-Medin disease. The Heine-Medin Award will be awarded to a young promising scientist who presents a paper at the Annual Meeting of the ESCV.

Check the rules here

Winners of the Heine-Medin Award

Year Award winner Country
2023 Maria F Perdomo, for her work that promotes our understanding of viral diseases: Next Generation of Clinical Virology Finland
2022 Victor Borges, for his work in genomics surveillance of influenza virus, SARS-CoV-2 and Mpox Portugal
2021 Joana Rocha-Pereira, for the development of zebrafish model to study norovirus replication Belgium
2019 Andrés Antón Pagarolas, for his work on respiratory virus surveillance Spain
2018 Sander Herfst, for his work on the mechanisms that drive airborne transmissibility of respiratory viruses
The Netherlands
2017 Delbue Serena, for her work on human endogenous retroviruses
2015 Antonio Piralla, for his work on respiratory tract infections and picornaviruses Italy
2014 Rogier Bodewes, for his work on influenza, in particular immunity and vaccination against Influenzavirus A The Netherlands
2013 Felix Drexler, for his work on viral zoonosis, in particular coronaviruses Germany
2011 Jolanda Smit, for her work on denguevirus particle maturation and consequences for immunological recognition The Netherlands
2007 Lia van der Hoek, for her discovery of human coronavirus NL-63 The Netherlands
2006 Ron Fouchier, for his work on virus discovery and genetic characterization of emerging viruses. The Netherlands
2005 Friedemann Weber, for his work on virus-host interactions Germany
2004 Marc van Ranst, for his outstanding research activities Belgium
2003 Robert Thimme, for hiswork on viral and immunological determinants of hepatitis C viral disease and persistance Germany
2001 Ali Harandi, for his work on the role of cytokines in innate and acquired immunity against genital herpes virus infections Sweden
2000 Karen Brown and Neil Mabbott for elucidating the role of follicular dendritic cells in TSE pathogenesis United Kingdom
1997 Fausto Badanti, for his work on CMV isolates from immunocompromised patients Italy
1995 Sarka Nemeckova, for her research on VZV glycoproteins Czech Republic
1994 Heikki Hyöty, for his research concerning the role of enterovirus infections in the pathogenesis of diabetis mellitis Finland
1991 William Carman, for his work on hepatitis B virus subtypes United Kingdom
1989 Albert Osterhaus, for identifying a new parainfluenza virus which caused an epidemic among European seals The Netherlands
1987 Sigvard Olofsson, for his work on the pathogenesis of herpes virus infections Sweden
1985 Mary Anderson, for her work on human parvovirus infections United Kingdom

Rules Heine-Medin Award


The Heine-Medin Award honours scientific work that promotes our understanding of virus diseases. The award is named after the German orthopedic surgeon Jacob von Heine (1800-1879) and the Swedish pediatrician Oscar Medin (1847-1927). Both made significant contributions to the recognition of poliomyelitis as a disease.


The Heine-Medin Award consits of the Heine-Medin Medal and the Heine-Medin Certificate. In addition, the awardee is invited to give an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the ESCV and to write a review for JCV in consultation with the European Editor-in-Chief. At the Annual Meeting, the registration fee will be waived and the awardee is invited as a guest to the Society Dinner.

The names of the recipients will be published in the ESCV Newsletter and on the ESCV website after the Annual Meeting.

Eligibility criteria

Members of the European Society for Clinical Virology within 10 active years in virology after receiving PhD/MD, are eligible for the Award (on the deadline day for application). Appropriate research in the field of Virology may be based on laboratory investigations, clinical studies, experimental animal studies or a combination thereof.

Application procedure

Complete Applications must be received by the Chairperson of the Heine-Medin Awards Committee (see below) before the deadline for abstract submission for the Annual Meeting. Each application should include:

  1. Curriculum vitae (including date of birth)
  2. Complete list of publications
  3. Copies of three original papers published or accepted for publication
  4. Abstract submitted to the Annual Meeting
  5. One-page summary explaining the significance of the work
Selection procedure

The recipients will be selected by the Heine-Medin Awards Committee. The Awards Committee consists of the second Vice-President of ESCV acting as Chairperson plus two ESCV Council Members who are appointed by the Executive of ESCV.

Next award

To be presented at the next ESCV meeting.